Environmental and social contribution

We Takehara Group think that chemical industry can contribute more for the conservation of the global environment.

We want to contribute to the achievement of SDGs through our business by providing new value to society.

To make it realized, we promise that each and every employee are going to carry out activities considering SDGs.

SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)

New Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 adopted unanimously at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015, consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets.

Efforts and goals of Takehara groups for the realization of SDGs


Mandatory to take periodic health checkup for all employees

Providing company house


Recommendation and establishment of the company club activities​

Creation and recommendation for taking the vacation for relaxation​

Expansion of welfare system through in-house hearing


​Actively acceptance of overseas technical intern trainees

In-house training system


Establishment of the special scholarship system for employee families​

Enhancement of subsidy system for applicants of acquisition of qualifications


Promoting women for managerial posts​

Recommendation for taking childcare leave and maternity leave system​

Establishment of Harassment Countermeasures Committee


Achievement of 100% rate of taking maternity leave and childcare leave system until 2025​

Recruitment some systems that female employees want to establish


Adopting hybrid and electric vehicles for company cars ​

Thorough energy-saving operation for each plants and offices


Increasing the renewable energy usage rate to 80% until 2030

30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025

30% reduction in energy usage by 2025


Improve the work environment by internal opinion

Acceptance of full employment and extension of employment


Reduce working hours for 2000 hours a year by improving work efficiency by the introduction of RPA

Conducting in-house questionnaires and achieving more than 90% of work satisfaction


Active sharing of in-house know-how


Promotion of development speed by introducing in-house system

Reconsideration and improving the efficiency of transportation system


Actively acceptance of overseas technical intern trainees ​

Aggressive increase in wages of overseas employees


Enhancement of welfare system for employees in overseas group companies​

Correcting the labor wage disparities for overseas employees


Development and manufacturing the plastic alternative products​

Establishment the offices and factories outside urban areas

Efforts to solving the trash disposition problems by manufacturing products using Biodegradable materials


Avoid concentration of employees in urban areas by the promotion of telework


Implementation of waste reduction promotion activities through the 3R​

Aggressive manufacturing of plastic alternative products and biodegradable products ​

Thorough energy-saving operation for each plants and offices


80% reduction of the industrial wastes by 2025​

20% improvement in production efficiency


Thorough energy-saving operation for each plants and offices


Increasing the renewable energy usage rate to 80% until 2030​

30% reduction in energy usage by 2025​

30% reduction in energy usage by 2025


Thorough purification of the industrial liquid waste

Aggressive manufacturing of biodegradable products


30% reduction in water resource usage by 2030


Development and manufacturing the soil conditioners suitable for plants growth


Starting the tree planting activities​

Thorough management of forest resources in owned mines


Positive provision of technologies and know-how contribute to SDGs

Request for cooperation of active adopting of SDGs to the clients

Takehara Group supports the SustainableDevelopment Goals(SDGs)